Last Wednesday my father fell at 3:30 a.m. and broke his hip. He is 82, on dialysis 4 times a week, and has blood transfusions approximately every two weeks. As one of his caregivers, my world changed.
Hospitals, operations, skilled nursing facilities, narcotics, medical transport companies, these are all game changers. There are no "time outs".
My big brother, bless his heart, really, bless his heart, bore the brunt of this episode. He is now exhausted, mentally, physically, and I wouldn't doubt a bit spiritually too.
Mobley is receiving her re-pipe, and I don't get to enjoy it with her. I am disappointed. I was on my way to be there for the joyous event, and got a call. "Dad is being moved to skilled nursing at three today". Game changer. All I wanted to do was make a simple pair of curtains for the guest bedroom. Game changer.
My dad is more important than Mobley ever will be I want to make that clear. But I so wanted to enjoy the busy industry of her re-plumb, knowing she will now come to life again and be our home.
Today I got on my knees and prayed. I thought of Geneva at "My Heart's Song", and her blog post on salt and light. She encouraged me greatly in an e-mail. Please visit her blog it's wonderful.
I was on my knees and I hear God speaking in my heart. I'm asking Him what to do, and why, why, why...... The gentle urging says II Timothy 2:10:
Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory II Timothy 2:10 (NIV)
Perhaps, in the hospital, in the skilled nursing facility, in the dialysis center there is an elect (aren't we all the elect) needing to hear the salvation message. Maybe if I get my attitude right, God can use me or my poppa to reach the elect.
Please don't give up on Finding Grace, Going Mobile. We will arrive. We have already started the journey. But, due to circumstances beyond our control...........
Extreme blessings, Theresa